MSC Cyberport Johor is a Public-Private Partnership spearheaded by the State Government of Johor, Malaysia to create a Global Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Business Hub with a World-Class Living Environment for ICT companies within Iskandar Malaysia
Working Locally, Innovating Globally
April 02, 2017 0
Working Locally, Innovating GloballyUnknown April 02, 2017
MSC Cyberport Johor is operated and managed by MSC Cyberport Sdn. Bhd. which is 70% owned by Cyberport Holdings Sdn. Bhd., an investment holding company setup by the promoters of the project and 30% owned by Kumpulan Prasarana Rakyat Johor Sdn. Bhd.; a 100% owned investment holding company of the Johor State Government.